Information Session


The University of Newcastle’s Grand Challenge is an annual initiative aimed at encouraging multi-disciplinary teams to propose and develop potential solutions to complex challenges. The most compelling submissions will share in $30,000 in funds to advance their idea.

This year, the Grand Challenge will focus on a complex problem with both local and global significance – achieving Net Zero with a specific focus on Scope 3 Emissions.

Scope 3 emissions occur outside of the boundary of an organisation as a result of its actions. They refer to indirect greenhouse gas emissions generated throughout a company's value chain, including activities such as purchased goods and services, employee commuting, and end-of-life treatment of sold products.

By requiring companies to disclose their Scope 3 emissions, the government aims to enhance transparency, accountability, and ultimately drive emissions reductions across the economy. Businesses will need to measure, monitor, and disclose their Scope 3 emissions, enabling stakeholders to make informed decisions. It’s about holding companies accountable for their environmental performance.

At this information session, you'll learn how you can get involved in each stage of the Grand Challenge, including:

  • Expert Panel Sessions

  • Ideas Colliders

  • Pitching Workshop

  • Grand Challenge Competition

  • Awards Night

The Grand Challenge is open to all University of Newcastle students, staff, academics, and alumni across the globe, as well as the wider community. It is a great way to meet new people, be exposed to fresh ideas, learn new skills, and build creative, original work while having a real-world impact. Great ideas come from everywhere, so no matter your background or experience, you’ve got everything to gain by participating.