+ What is the Grand Challenge?

The Grand Challenge is a broad event designed to build a robust solution to a specific problem. In this challenge, you will hear from industry experts about the problem of emissions reporting and then form interdisciplinary teams. When applications open, you will research deeply into the problem landscape and begin to develop your idea or solution. You will be guided by innovation mentors available throughout the submission process and finally develop a 3-minute video presentation for online submission discussing your solutions’ merits according to the marking criteria.

+ Who should attend the Grand Challenge?

One person must be a student or staff member or alumni with all team members based in Australia. Prior experience within the energy sector is not a requirement. We want to see a wide range of attendees, including industry experts, business owners, business professionals, entrepreneurs, scientists, researchers, students, coders, and graphic designers.

+ What exactly is an Idea Collider?

An Idea Collider is a dynamic event that is designed to spark innovation and creativity. Here you will work with peers to solve a relevant issue in a short time frame under the guidance of our innovation facilitators. You’ll think critically about the problem before developing an idea of a solution and finally delivering a short 3-minute presentation to discuss your idea. The purpose is to practice the process of innovation and to meet like-minded people.

+ I don’t live in Newcastle. How can I get involved?

Good news! If you are unable to attend any in-person events, you can still submit your idea using the online submission process. The series of events are however designed to facilitate in-person interactions and community building. We hope to see you there!

+ Is there any online access to these events?

We will record our Information Session and Expert Panels and upload these to the website. The Idea Collider events, Pitch Workshop and the Awards Night will be held in person with no recording. This is due to the nature of the events and the strong networking focus behind the events to build innovative networks.

+ Is there any guidance on what data sets might be available for us to work with?

When the challenge opens, we will provide access to a resource page for all attendees to view.

+ Is the use of AI in the challenge accepted?

Of course! We are seeking a broad range of solutions and as long as the solution meets the criteria and provides value, it will celebrated.

+ What will a good solution look like?

Proposed solutions can be new or improved processes, products, and/or services relevant to addressing the challenge statement. A solution must demonstrate how it will improve the emission reporting of the University of Newcastle, integrate sustainability into it’s supply chain or strategy, be distinct from current solutions/status quo, and have the potential to be adopted by end users/beneficiaries and/or the University of Newcastle. Please read the ‘Judging’ section in the Rules for more information.

+ How much prior Innovation Challenge, software development or design experience do I need?

While any experience is always helpful, none is required! If your team is planning to develop an technical / digital prototype (app or website) you will need someone on the team with design and/or development experience. Outside of this, all participants will need to to use DevPost for online submission. While you only need one team member to know how to use DevPost and Slack it's always useful for all members to have an idea of what purposes these platforms serve during the Grand Challenge.

+ What if I already formed a team?

Great! Please register all your team members via the NetZero DevPost page once it is live. Details on how to do this will be provided during the information session.

+ What if I don’t have a team?

No problem, many participants will not. The prior events are designed for networking and team building and include 2 expert panel sessions, 2 ideas colliders and a pitch workshop session. This will allow participants with ideas to pitch them and outline the skill gaps they are seeking to fill to form a team. Those without a team who can add value to an idea / team can indicate their interest to the person pitching and, voila, you are now part of a team! One of the best outcomes of participating in the Grand Challenge is developing new connections.

+ If I want to post about the Innovation Challenge, what hashtags can I use?

Please share this event with your social followers! It is #NETZEROInnovationChallenge and tag us with uon_i2n

+ What is the cost to attend the event?

Most of the events in the challenge series are free thanks to our sponsors. Any ticketed events are listed on the Eventbrite pages and cover catering costs.

+ Will there be any hardware/equipment available for project development?

No. You will be required to bring and use your own hardware / equipment (including desktops, laptops, monitors etc).

+ Is this an overnight Innovation Challenge?

No. To make the Grand Challenge more accessible, teams will go through an online submission process where judges will mark their ideas' merits against a set judging criteria.

+ I have a pre-conceived idea, is this okay to enter the challenge?

All ideas are accepted on merit, but we are seeking new solutions and for the solution to specifically meet the challenge criteria. In particular, problem-solution fit. Perhaps your idea requires adjustments or pivots based on the insights you have gained during the challenge and from mentor advice?

+ How many people should be in a team?

Teams must consist of a minimum of three members to a maximum of five members. Exceptions can be made on a case-by-case basis as decided by the Organisers.

+ Is the prize money intended to implement the idea?

The prize money will be announced at the information session. See the Terms & Conditions for more details.

+ Are usability and accessibility requirements factored into the event?

Yes, accessibility requirements are factored into every event and all locations.

+ Will the successful initiative be eligible for future funding?

The aim of this challenge is for the University of Newcastle to identify new and innovative solutions that may potentially be considered for further development and support from the University. If any of the solutions are considered eligible for future University support and/or funding this would be discussed directly with team members outside the scope of the Challenge event.

+ Do I have to live/work in the area?

Yes, team members must live or work in Australia.

+ What are the marking criteria?

Please see the Terms & Conditions.

+ What is a Prototype and what is Feasibility?

These terms will be explained at length during the Pitch Workshop and Ideas Collider events. A prototype is a rough draft of your idea used to explain the concept. Prototypes should follow the principles of rough, rapid and right. To better understand these terms, you can register for the Idea Collider events to have a taste of the challenge and the innovation process. Feasibility is how likely you are to be able implement the solution within the University of Newcastle.

+ Do I have to be an energy professional to participate?

Anyone with a desire to solve big problems! Attendees from all backgrounds, educations, gender and geographies are welcome. We want to see a wide range of attendees, including energy professionals, business professionals, entrepreneurs, scientists, researchers, students, coders, and graphic designers – the list is endless. Prior experience within the energy sector is not a requirement.

+ Will the teams themselves retain full IP for the ideas submitted?

Whatever IP that is generated from the challenge is the teams’ responsibility to organise and distribute. For instance, if some members of the team wish to continue with the idea after the challenge, then it is the teams’ responsibility to organise any IP. The University takes no responsibility for IP distribution and ownership generated during the challenge.

+ Are there different expectations for new ideas versus ideas that are pre-conceived?

All ideas will be judged on merit of the concept and feasibility. This will be taken into consideration by the judges on the day but all ideas will be marked according to the criteria.

+ Is there any future investment/post challenge support?

The University of Newcastle’s I2N run accelerator and pre-accelerator programs and more information about them can be found on their website linked here:

University of Newcastle I2N: Integrated Innovation Network (I2N) / Business and Industry / Engage / The University of Newcastle, Australia

+ What if this FAQ didn’t answer my questions?

Please email us at i2n@newcastle.edu.au if you’re in any way confused or concerned and we’ll do all that we can to help out!